Date(s) - 14/10/2015 - 16/10/2015
All Day
Università La Sapienza di Roma
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The roman edition of Maker Faire was held this year at Sapienza University, october 16 to18. It was a great opportunity for our team to present the Kreyon projects and games ”at home”. Ground Floor of Marconi Building (Physics Department) was packed with people of any age, eager to play our games and challenge their creativity in order to contribute to the scientific purpose of the project. We basically proposed three games:
LEGO PIXEL ART: A challenge to represent a topic with very few LEGO bricks. Will it be understandable for the others?
LEGO MUSIC GAME: Players will be challenged to compose a melody, with a LEGO interface, starting from a given musical incipit.
CREASTORIA: A game in which players-authors cooperate to invent stories.