TAGora supporting the Discovery Challenge at ECML/PKDD 2008
posted by Ciro Cattuto on July 7, 2008 at 12:09 pm | no commentsThis year, the Discovery Challenge of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD) is about spam detection and tag recommendations in the social bookmarking and publication sharing system BibSonomy. More information can be found at http://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/ws/rsdc08/. Interested researchers can download training data, and have to provide predictions on a set of test data.
Network Properties of Folksonomies
posted by Ciro Cattuto on December 5, 2007 at 2:55 am | no comments
C. Cattuto, C. Schmitz, A. Baldassarri, V. D. P. Servedio, V. Loreto, A. Hotho, M. Grahl, G. Stumme
AI Communications 20, 245 (2007)
Special issue on “Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering”
[PDF] [on BibSonomy]
TAGora at ECCS07 in Dresden
posted by Ciro Cattuto on October 1, 2007 at 10:25 am | no commentsTAGora will contribute to the European Conference on Complex Systems ECCS07 as follows:
- a talk by Vittorio Loreto at the CRP Forum on Saturday 6th October 2007
- a presentation of the project (poster and introductory talk) at the FET Workshop
- a satellite conference organized by Bettina Hoser and Ciro Cattuto on Social Websites – Complex Dynamics and Structure
- a talk presented by Andrea Baldassarri on
Emergent Community Structure in Social Tagging Systems - a talk and a poster presented by Vito D. P. Servedio on Vocabulary Growth in Collaborative Tagging Systems
- a talk by Vittorio Loreto at the satellite conference on Interacting Agents, Complexity and Inter-Disciplinary Applications
We are looking forward to meeting you in Dresden !
Post-doc opening in Roma
posted by Ciro Cattuto on August 30, 2007 at 9:23 am | no commentsA post-doc position in the TAGora project is immediately available in Roma.
The successful candidate will work in the PHYS-SAPIENZA team of the project, based in Roma, and will take part in the operation of the project at large.
The ideal candidate holds a Ph.D. in Physics or Computer Science
with a strong attitude for large-scale data analysis and computational techniques,
as well as a positive interest for inter-disciplinary topics.
The net monthly salary will be around 2000 Euros
and the expected starting date is October 2007.
For further information and applications, please contact Prof. Vittorio Loreto at coordinator [at] tagora-project.eu
or vittorio.loreto [at] roma1.infn.it
Semiotic Dynamics and Collaborative Tagging
posted by Ciro Cattuto on June 12, 2007 at 3:02 pm | no comments
Ciro Cattuto, Vittorio Loreto and Luciano Pietronero
PNAS 104, 1461 (2007)
[PDF] [on BibSonomy]
TAGora project started on June 1st 2006
Sixth Framework Programme, Information Society Technologies, IST call 5, Contract N. 34721
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