There are several activities going on in the context of the EveryAware project.

  • Case Studies

    The EveryAware Project includes several case studies.



    WideNoise LogoHere you can find the page Widenoise, the app developed to monitor and investigate the noise thanks to an app for mobile phones. The app is freely available both for Apple and Android users. Furthermore, you can register yourselves on the website to explore the noise pollution map and to register in order to check data from your measurement and match them with the community data.


    AirProbe_iconHere you can find a description of the system used to investigate toxic gas pollution. A portable device (SensorBox) can measure the presence of some toxic gasses with a few low cost sensors. Then, an Android smartphone can show the measurements in real time thanks to a dedicated app (AirProbe). The system is being tested at the moment but soon both the SensorBox and AirProbe will be available for volunteers.


    And more case studies will be available soon. Keep following us.



    Experimental Tribe

    X-Tribe Logo

    Experimental Tribe is a web platform designed for scientific gaming and social computation. Its task is to help Researchers in the realization of web-experiments by accomplishing those necessary and tedious tasks involving the management of social resources (User registration, validation, selection and pairing).
    In this way Researchers shall focus entirely on the implementation of the core part of their experiment.
    On the Users side, everyone may join X-Tribe and enjoy the participation in entertaining scientific experiments.
    In this sense, we strongly encourage the birth and development of social communities of Users and Researchers, sharing their respective experiences.


7 Responses to Activities

  1. SILVA says:

    Zainetto misura smog: si cercano
    volontari per i test. Sarei interessata a partecipare al progetto

    Silva Comini

  2. paolo cerrone says:

    prego contattatemi nel caso servissero volontari a roma

    • silvia barbieri says:

      sono disponibile a fare da volontaria per lo zainetto rilevatore a Perugia. Mi piace camminare e sono disponibile a farlo per alcune ore nel pomeriggio.

  3. Elisabetta patelli says:

    Bacpacking Volunteers avalaible in Como Italy

  4. fabiola says:

    anch’io sarei disponibile a fare da volontaria per lo zainetto rilevatore a Perugia

  5. Sarah says:

    Lots researchers have carried out similar work before I am not sure why do you repeat their work?


    • p.gravino says:

      Dear Sarah,
      thanks for your interest.
      We are grateful that you asked this question so that we have the opportunity to explain better what we deal with.

      Our project hosts many different activities.

      1) We developed a free app (both for iOS and Android) that allows common people to measure sound levels
      and report noise pollution. Together with the measured sound levels, users may use free tag words to better qualify the noise. A web platform in which anyone can freely browse the results of crowd measuring, is also available.
      The aim of all this will be to raise awareness on sound pollution.

      2) We developed a sort of electronic nose by integrating low cost air quality sensors in a sensor box (total cost ~400 Euros, for the time being).
      By an accurate calibration procedure of 30 minutes, we are able to get reliable air-pollution results as compared with more expensive black-carbon sensors (~4,000 Euros).

      3) We developed a web platform to allow researchers to freely and easily create web-experiments in the shape of games, with a particular focus on urban dynamics.
      The possibility to do science by playing is supposed to reduce the gap between people and science.

      In all that, we always keep in mind the main objective to raise people awareness on environmental issues in order to push people toward a sustainable society.

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