The ISI Foundation is a private research institution located in Turin, Italy. It is founded and supported by the Regional Government, the Province and City of Turin, and by the two major Bank In- stitutions in Piedmont: Compagnia di San Paolo and CRT Foundation. Its mission focuses on promoting scientific interchange and cooperation at the highest degree of quality both in terms of creativity and originality of research. It aims to represent a pole of high level interdisciplinary training in the fields of Math- ematics, Physics, Computer Science, and Life Sciences.

In the framework of the Lagrange project, the Complex Systems Lagrange LAB represents a proactive support to the research on the organisation of complex systems with all their potential applications. The ISI Foundation provides the ideal scientific environment for undertaking the present project, not only for the research activity performed in the Institute, but also for its experience in the management and partnership of several European projects.

The long time experience of ISI in the organisation of international workshops, schools and meetings, together with the high quality research activity it promotes, offer a stimulating scientific environment where to organise outreach activities and attract international scientists for visiting periods in order to disseminate the re- sults of the ongoing project. The Institute is provided with technological, scientific and accommodation facilities for these events.


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