Download the EveryAware project White Paper

There is now overwhelming evidence that the current organisation of our economies and societies is seriously damaging biological ecosystems and human living conditions in the very short term, with potentially catastrophic effects in the long term. The enforcement of novel policies may be triggered by a grassroot approach, with a key contribution from information and communication technologies (ICT).

Nowadays low-cost sensing technologies allow the citizens to directly assess the state of the environment; social networking tools allow effective data and opinion collection and real-time information spreading processes. In addition, theoretical and modeling tools developed by physicists, computer scientists and sociologists have reached the maturity to analyse, interpret and visualize complex data sets. This project intends to integrate all crucial phases (environmental monitoring, awareness enhancement, behavioural change) in the management of the environment in a unified framework, by creating a new technological platform combining sensing technologies, networking applications and data-processing tools; the Internet and the existing mobile communication networks will provide the infras- tructure hosting such a platform, allowing its replication in different times and places.

Case studies concerning different numbers of participants will test the scalability of the platform, aiming at involving as many citizens as possible leveraging on the low cost and high usability of the sensing devices. The integration of participatory sensing with the monitoring of subjective opinions is novel and crucial, as it exposes the mechanisms by which the local perception of an environmental issue, corroborated by quantitative data, evolves into socially-shared opinions, eventually driving behavioural changes. Enabling this level of transparency critically allows an effective communication of desirable environmental strategies to the general public and to institutional agencies.

This figure represents the tag cloud of terms used in the Objectives and Novelty sections of this proposal. Font size of words increases with frequency (picture generated with


EveryAware Annex I [restricted]

Agenda of the I review meeting [restricted]

 Month 18 deliverables:

Month 36 deliverables:

The EveryAware Book  [restricted]



3 Responses to The EveryAware Project

  1. Arnaldo Vecchietti says:

    Dear Sirs,
    Are you interested in presenting a proposal in the frame of the coming EU ICT programme (Objective ICT-2013.5.5)?
    We would be really interested in being part of it and follow an EveryAware approach in practise.
    One of the aims of our City Council is to enhance citizens’ awareness regarding risks to their health during the whole cycle of their lives.
    To be in good health, in addition to being an individual need, is becoming a social aim too.
    People’s health bad behaviours (HBB) represents more and more a huge cost for public budgeting – unsustainable expenses from which we have to free our society if we are to come out of the global crisis into which we have fallen.
    Despite the size and the growth rate of the related problems it’s rare to see any corrective action led by local public authorities.
    We have in mind to do something real in this field. We would like to reach directly the citizens of our cities and enhance their awareness that their choices are fundamental in reducing their individual risk of having HBB’s.
    This awareness is not easy to achieve for many different reasons and it depends at which stage of life the individuals are when they start to become aware. People have to be helped into adopt the right style of life for each stage.
    Our project idea is to intervene with different actions on the population with a basic common policy to produce real changes on its style of life.

    Let me know if you are interested in sharing this idea with us please.

  2. Fabio Cantaro says:

    I live in NISCEMI (Caltanissetta) Sicily (Italy) and there are several roads with heavy traffic and therefore high pollution.
    I offer myself for the collection of data pertaining to pollution in my city. Obviously I would like to be informed about the conditions for the use of the backpack.
    Sorry for my English but I used an automatic translator from Italian into English.
    My e-mail address is
    Thank you for this opportunity and I greet you cordially
    Fabio Cantaro

  3. Victor Suciu says:

    Are there any schematics and DIY project for SensorBox hardware.

    Best regards.

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