Vittorio Loreto

Prof. Vittorio Loreto ( Project Coordinator) got his Ph.D. in Physics at “La Sapienza” University and spent a few years in France at the Ecole Superieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles. In 1999 he joined back the Physics Dept. of “La Sapienza” University as a researcher and in 2004 he got the habilitation as Associate Professor. His scientific activity is mainly focused on the Statistical Mechanics of non equilibrium systems as well as statistical physics of scale-invariance and complex systems. In the last few years he has been active in the fields of granular media, complexity and information theory, networks, language evolution.
Vito D.P. Servedio

Dr. Vito D.P. Servedio got his PhD at the Technical University of Dresden where he continued his research for other three years as Post-Doc. In this period he collaborated actively with the Max Plack Institute, and the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research in Dresden mainly dealing with the calculation of the electronic structure of metal surfaces. He moved to Sapienza University of Rome in 2003 where he started dealing with the physics of complex systems, with particular attention to complex networks. He took active part to the COSIN, DELIS and TAGORA european projects. His aptitude is mainly oriented toward computational physics.
Saverio Caminiti

Andrea Capocci
I was born in Rome in 1973 and received a degree in Theoretical Physics in 1998 at "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy and a PhD in Theoretical Physics by the University of Fribourg, Switzerland in 2003. Since then, i have been working at "Sapienza" University and at the "Enrico Fermi" research center both in Rome. During this time i have also written and translated books and articles, blogged a lot, run a book café, taught at high school.
Pietro Gravino

After a master thesis in the framework of the Complex Systems, I am currently working as a collaborator for the Everyaware Project. I am also a physics Ph.D. student at "Alma Mater Studiorum" - Università di Bologna.
- 16 Feb 12 - London - The Second London Citizen Cyberscience Summit
- 9 Jun 12 - Roma - SeGiochiFaiScienza
- 29 Oct 12 - Bologna - Smart City Exhibition
- 20 Mar 13 - Kassel - EveryAware Meeting - Kassel, 20-22th March 2013
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